
Humor: Läs en live-blogg från kvällens event redan nu


Financial Post har lite skämtsamt och hånfullt skrivit ihop en hypotes om vad en live-rapportering från kvällens event skulle kunna bestå av. Intressant nog stämmer förmodligen en hel del.

1:55 p.m. “One more thing,” Mr. Cook says with a smile, having said the magic words that result in a collective nerdgasm from the Mac faithful. The crowd goes wild. A double rainbow appears behind Mr. Cook.

1:56 p.m. – Apple unveils the new Apple HDTV, a full HD flatscreen television that will include iOS and will enable people to use their iPhone as a remote control.

1:57 p.m. – Just kidding. That’s totally not going to happen.

Du kan läsa hela den påhittade live-bloggen på Financial Post.

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