
GTA VI ryktas återbesöka Liberty City, Vice City och San Andreas

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På sidan Pastebin lade en användare upp flera detaljer om det kommande Grand Theft Auto VI som sedan togs bort.

Men som alltid på internet så var det någon som hann spara ned informationen och om uppgifterna stämmer eller inte låter vi vara osagt. Hur som helst så påstod personen att GTA VI enbart kommer att lanseras på uppföljarna till Playstation 4 och Xbox One. Spelet ska även vara gigantiskt då både Liberty City, Vice City är med i spelet och även vissa delar av San Andreas.

När det kommer till handlingen så börjar man spelet som en småtjuv i Liberty City och jobbar sig sedan uppåt till Vice City och till slut blir man knarkkung. Nedan kan ni läsa hela inlägget som sedan togs bort:

”GTA 6 is going to feature multiple big cities which players can travel across.

In the title which will make you a kind of a drug lord. You will start as a small time guy in Liberty City doing odd chores and small-time thefts and eventually work your way to Vice City where you will join a famous gang. You will be tasked to look after business in liberty city until you are brought back to Vice City and soon become the drug lord.

Rockstar Games has an idea about when they want to release the game but the corporates want to analyze the sales of PS5 and the Xbox 2. This game cant come [out] for ps4 because of memory restrictions. We have 2 major cities along with a vast stretch of highways and Blaine County like countrysides in the middle of it all. There will also be some kind of timed era between the missions with flashbacks.

Certain shops will sell different types of items in different eras. RDR2 type stranger dialogues will be implemented.

There are big plans in online and with major content like newer towns. They are working closely with Microsoft and Sony on cloud gaming which will help them enable online to be a continuous process.”

Via Dexerto

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